If you are new customer we would be delighted to discuss your requirements and pricing options - please contact us on 0141 331 2457.
For our valued, existing customers, if you wish to change your order, please continue to use your existing method of contact or call us 0141 331 2457.
We are proud to serve restaurants, pubs, hotels, takeaways and care homes all over Glasgow and the West of Scotland - 6 days a week, a combination of the following ranges and products:
Mince (lean steak)
Shoulder steak (hand diced)
Brisket (rolled)
Braising Steaks
Rump Steak
Silverside (rolled)
Topside (rolled)
Rib Roast (boneless)
Striploin (whole)
Popeseye (angus steak)
Beef Ham (thinly cut)
Beef Olives (5oz each)
Fillet whole
Rib Eye Steaks (portioned)
Sirloin Steaks (portioned)
Fillet Steaks (portioned)
T Bone Steaks (portioned)
Lamb Gigots (leg)
Lamb Gigots (rolled)
Gigot Chops
Lamb Loin Chops
Lamb Shoulder Rolled
Lamb Shoulder Stewing
Lamb Cubed (Curry)
Pork Gigot Rolled
Pork Steaks
Pork Loin Whole
Pork Loin Chops
Pork Shoulder Rolled
Pork Should Diced
Pork Ribs
Pork Belly
Pork Fillet
Pork Mince
Green Gammon (Bone in)
Viscase Gammon (ayr Gigot)
Gammon Steaks
Danish Loin Steaks
Unsmoked Back Bacon 2.27k
Unsmoked Back Bacon
Smoked Back Bacon 2.27k
Smoked Back Bacon
Streaky Bacon
Smoked Streaky Bacon 2.27k
Smoked Streaky Bacon
Lorne (Whole 4lb block)
Lorne (Sliced)
Beef Links
Pork Links
Breakfast Links
Jumbo Links
Black Pudding
Pork and Leek Links
Pigs in blankets
Venison Links
Fruit Pudding
Beefburger 4oz
Beefburger 6oz
Beefburger 8oz
Prime Burger 6oz
Prime burger 8oz
Haggis Burger 6oz
Venison Burger 6oz
Lamb and Chorizo 6oz
Chickens (Whole)
Chicken Goujons
Chicken Supremes (Skin On)
Chicken Fillets
Chicken Drumsticks
Chicken Thighs
Chicken Wings
Diced Chicken
Minced Chicken
Chicken Liver
Chicken Fillets (10Kg Box)
Turkey Paupiettes
Turkey Boned and Rolled
Diced Turkey
Minced Turkey
Duck Legs
Duck Breasts
Haunch of Venison
Diced Venison
Venison Steaks